How to make a web page that won't confuse visitors to your site

If you are completely new to making web pages, here are some tips on how to make a web page that won't confuse people visiting your website.
Always make a web page with links that look like links. You know, the usual blue, underlined text. The more your links look like this, the less confusing it is to people who visit your site, because everyone is familiar with such links.
Don't make a web page that makes your visitor guess what to click on or do. For example, a link that says 'Articles' is not specific enough, you should rename that link to something like 'Articles about GMC cars'.
Its easy to make a web page that makes sense to you, but don't assume everyone else understands. I recommend you ask friends if the web page you made makes sense to them. Always get opinions - you'll be surprised at what you may learn.